The Niagara Greens invite you to the 2019 St Catharines Green Party candidate nomination contest!

WHEN: Tuesday September 3rd 2019
TIME: 7PM-8 :30PM
WHERE: Russel Avenue Community Centre, 108 Russell Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7N5
RSVP: email OR click here to RSVP on our Facebook page
Meet the Candidate Nominees:
The current vetted and approved candidates are listed below. Please note that as of August 25th 2019, a 3rd candidate is undergoing the vetting process and if this person is approved and passes vetting, will be added to the nomination roster.
Michael Bohunicky: Click here to read more
Travis Mason: Click here to read more
Who can vote at the nomination meeting:
Every member of the Party has the right to attend a Nomination Meeting and has the right to vote at that meeting if the member:
is present at the meeting;
has been a member of the Federal Green Party for at least 30 days or has renewed a lapsed membership prior to, or at, the Nomination Meeting.
is ordinarily a resident of the Electoral District;
and has not voted at another candidate selection meeting held for the same election (except when the results of any such meeting are declared invalid).
Your Niagara Greens
Facebook: niagaragreens
Instagram: niagaragreensunited
Twitter: niagaragreens