Sandra O'Connor has been nominated to lead the Green Party in Niagara Falls for the 2019 Federal Election. Read more about Sandra below, or by following this link.
Who Is Sandra O'Connor?
Sandra was raised in Niagara and graduated from Brock University. In pursuit of her career she moved from Niagara and worked for conservation authorities, Natural Resources Canada, University of Victoria, a professional association and her own Consulting company. She retired from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Canada and moved back to Niagara. She has one daughter who currently attends McGill University.
Candidate Values:
The evidenced-based, common sense policies, democratic values and ethical leader are reasons why Sandra identifies with the Green Party. Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it is an economic threat and a security threat. The Green Party has the best policies to address this situation; Sandra will work towards transitioning our economy to address these threats and help with the job adaptation to transfer to the new green economy.
Sandra will advocate for policies that strengthen the links between a healthy society and a healthy environment. She will work towards:
developing a national smart electrical grid to ensure that renewable energy can be transmitted and that the grid is flexible
promoting a building retrofit program to reduce energy use and create new, well-paying jobs
promoting rail transportation to Niagara to reduce energy and take cars off our roads
developing a funding program for municipal water and waste treatment facilities to upgrade and modernize water treatment, sewage treatment, and recycling facilities to make them efficient, safe, sustainable and reduce energy demand
ensuring that pension plans are sustainable and that corporate pension plans designate employees as secured creditors in bankruptcy situations.
Sandra can be reached for riding, campaign and other related questions at:
EMAIL: PHONE: 289-868-9310 FACEBOOK: sandraoconnorniagarafallsgreenparty TWITTER: SandraONFGreens